Thursday, February 11, 2010


I've kind of been hem hawing around about my blog and it just never felt right!
I came across this wonderful site  http://www.thecutestblogontheblock/ !  It offered free backgrounds, buttons and all sorts of goodies!!
I decided that the time had come to start changing things!  So we now have a new look!!!  I love it! love it! love it!  I hope you enjoy it also!  Over time, more changes will be happening.  I hope this helps to keep me inspired to write!!

Now for the attitude.  I was checking out different blogs and discovered that are THOUSANDS of frugal blogs with tips and ideas out there. 
I didn't want to get rid of my blog completely so I thought a change was once again in order!
The title of my blog is Frugal Creations From the Heart, but I wasn't doing any real creating!  So there is the change!!! 

I will probably throw in a frugal hint here  and there( I can't help it) but I decided it was time to hit the CREATE part harder!

I hope you like the changes and will be back often to check and see what I have done!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. looks cute!
    When you followed me it was at the end of the list of followers because you do not have a photo on your profile, if you don't want to put your photo your sunflower photo will be cute. Then when you follow a blog they will see you profile picture in the order you followed and when you comment and recognize you that way :)
