Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh My!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going around visiting another frugal forum and I read a post from a lady that was trying to lower her grocery bill.
She spends $1000.00 a month on groceries!  I alsmost fell right out of my chair when I saw that.

With it just being my darling hubby and I at home now I have driven myself to spend less then $100 a week on groceries.  I thought I would take a minute and share my tips with you.

1.     Make bread, rolls, biscuits, pancakes, etc.....  if I can make it I don't buy it!
2.     Use powdered milk.  We are not big milk drinkers so this one is easy.  Plus!!!! My son has a grandmother that insist on giving them bags of it.  They can't get her to understand they don't want it so they give it to me!  I have 6 bags yet to go thru.  EXTRA SAVINGS!!!!!!!!!
3.     I DO NOT buy lunch meat.  Everygreat now and then I buy sandwich spread (cheap ham salad) and that is because  I have two grandsons that would live on it if they could.  My daughter moved to Kentucky and can't find anything like it, so when I know they are coming  I will get a couple of pounds for the boys. (grandmas are allowed to go unfrugal at times)
4.    I save all left overs and those are lunch the next day, if no leftovers are available we make due with peanut and jelly.
5.    With my Make it Don't Buy it rule, I don't waste money on candy, chips, and other junk food.

I like to make it a game to see just how low I can get the bills.  Some times I win and sometimes I lose.  But hey!!!!!!  It's still fun to try!!!!

Reduce!  Reuse!  Recycle!!!

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