Saturday, April 3, 2010


No how to do its today. 
We have been busy trying to welcome Spring with open arms.  I love the warm sun on my face.  I loved it so much the other day I got a little wind burned from being outside.  Better then freezing!!!!

We have been making Easter candy for the grandbabies baskets. 
I bought plastic Easter buckts for each one for $1.50 each.  4 blue and 8 pink.  These will be used over and over again and much easier to store then 1 wicker baskets.
Below are pictures of some of the things we have finished.  I'm not done yet!  A lot to do today.
Have a Happy and Joyous Easter and don't eat all the chocolate in one day.  Don't forget to thank the Lord for all your blessings!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Flower and Patio Show!!

We had a wonderful day yesterday! 
My mother had won four tickets to the Indianapolis Flower and Patio Show.  She offered my husband  and I two of the tickets and we had a great time!  I had wanted to go, but at $12 a ticket I just couldn't see doing it.  We got lucky and only had to pay $3 for parking.
The theme this year was books and the gardens were decorated to represent different stories.  Warning we are picture heavy today!!!
 Above is the Alice In Wonderland garden.  Just to cute for words.

Robin Hood was beautiful!
The Wizard of Oz was a big favorite!!
There were just so many themes, to many to show you.  If you ever have the chance you must go to this show.  The ideas will just run thru your head for your yard!!

They had everything from ponds to yard decorations.  Just awsome!!!!!

After the show we went to two of my favorite places and had a wonderful ending to a wonderful day!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Job For an Old Item

A while back my mother asked me if I would like a marble paper towel holder.  I accepted it for a couple of reasons.
1.   It use to belong to my grandmother
2.   It is marble
3.   If its free, its for me!!!!!

I wan't sure what to do with it at first.  I don't buy paper towels, I'm to frugal.  And I didn't want to deface it in anyway.

I got the idea to use it as a holder for extra rolls of toliet paper!  The idea came to me the day I was stuck in the bathroom without a spare roll.  It seems I am the only one that knows how to replace it.

It sits proudly on a shelf for use in case of  emergencies!

Not a new creations but it is frugal!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

So Happy!!!!

I am so excited right now!
We finally broke down and got our cable internet hooked up!
Things are much faster and it is such a joy to be able to travel thru the web at lightening speed compared to dial up!!
I know that our dial up and prepaid phone service were cheaper but being on the interent as much as I am, the phone line was always tied up.  Picture download was becoming a chore when it came to my ebay selling and school work was sooooooooooo slow it was awful.  So with a little belt tightening in other areas we have finally come up in the world!!!!
I just posted this picture of my little Victoria  because it is so fast to do now!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Awsome Blog Found!

I was reading different blogs today and came acros one that I find to be just totally AWSOME!!!!!!  Censationalgirl can see her from here.  I couldn't get her button to transfer to my site but will be trying again later.
This blog is great!
Lots of how to in it.  Filled with ways to redo old things to new.
I will be reading it a lot!
Take a minute and check out her site.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Frugal Afghan

I've been working on a throw for my friend.  And I ran out of white yarn.  While searching for more I found all these other colors I had in the closet and it got me to thinking!  She is always razzing me about my frugalness!  Good naturedly of course!  So I decided she could have a frugal throw!  I just use what I had to work with.  No pattern, no color matching or anything.  Just what I had on hand!
I told her what I was planning and showed her the work in progress and she loved it!!!!  She said it was truely frugal and definitly ME!!!!

I'm sure it is gonna be pretty unusual but HEY!!, I like it!!!!

Frugal Wedding Favor

One of my babies got married over the last weekend.  Thats their little girl in the background.
A very simple  civil ceremony with a reception at their home.
She found these cute favor kits  at Good Will for only a couple of dollars each!
I think they are so cute.  The reception was wonderful and  everyone had a good time!
So make sure you are keeping an eye out at your thrift stores!  There are usualy some great finds there!!!


I've kind of been hem hawing around about my blog and it just never felt right!
I came across this wonderful site  http://www.thecutestblogontheblock/ !  It offered free backgrounds, buttons and all sorts of goodies!!
I decided that the time had come to start changing things!  So we now have a new look!!!  I love it! love it! love it!  I hope you enjoy it also!  Over time, more changes will be happening.  I hope this helps to keep me inspired to write!!

Now for the attitude.  I was checking out different blogs and discovered that are THOUSANDS of frugal blogs with tips and ideas out there. 
I didn't want to get rid of my blog completely so I thought a change was once again in order!
The title of my blog is Frugal Creations From the Heart, but I wasn't doing any real creating!  So there is the change!!! 

I will probably throw in a frugal hint here  and there( I can't help it) but I decided it was time to hit the CREATE part harder!

I hope you like the changes and will be back often to check and see what I have done!!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh My!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going around visiting another frugal forum and I read a post from a lady that was trying to lower her grocery bill.
She spends $1000.00 a month on groceries!  I alsmost fell right out of my chair when I saw that.

With it just being my darling hubby and I at home now I have driven myself to spend less then $100 a week on groceries.  I thought I would take a minute and share my tips with you.

1.     Make bread, rolls, biscuits, pancakes, etc.....  if I can make it I don't buy it!
2.     Use powdered milk.  We are not big milk drinkers so this one is easy.  Plus!!!! My son has a grandmother that insist on giving them bags of it.  They can't get her to understand they don't want it so they give it to me!  I have 6 bags yet to go thru.  EXTRA SAVINGS!!!!!!!!!
3.     I DO NOT buy lunch meat.  Everygreat now and then I buy sandwich spread (cheap ham salad) and that is because  I have two grandsons that would live on it if they could.  My daughter moved to Kentucky and can't find anything like it, so when I know they are coming  I will get a couple of pounds for the boys. (grandmas are allowed to go unfrugal at times)
4.    I save all left overs and those are lunch the next day, if no leftovers are available we make due with peanut and jelly.
5.    With my Make it Don't Buy it rule, I don't waste money on candy, chips, and other junk food.

I like to make it a game to see just how low I can get the bills.  Some times I win and sometimes I lose.  But hey!!!!!!  It's still fun to try!!!!

Reduce!  Reuse!  Recycle!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Life Gets In the Way

Sometimes I get so aggravaited with myself!!!  I make plans, set goals and something comes swooping along and knocks me off my feet!
What I am talking about is depression.  I started out my year all gung ho and then it hits me kind of hard!  It also ties into a daughter moving out and having the nerve to take my grandchildren with her!  lol
I didn't adjust to having an empty nest as well as I thought I would.  To help with the problem my daughter came for a visit this weekend and my darling hubby has promised at least once a month trips to Ohio and Kentucky to visit children and grandchildren who are not close by!
Feling some what more in charge of things now, I am able to move ahead and instead of feeling sorry for myself am concentrating more on being thankful for what I have then rather on what I don't.
So,,,,,,,,,starting today, Frugalk Creations will be up and running on a more frequent basis and I will be doing my best to show you folks what I can come up with!!!!!!!!!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!!!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Well, 2009 has come and gone.  And we welcome 2010 with hope and dreams of a better year to be had by all.

As I sat down to write I wondered how to begin this year, and I will start by telling my game plan for birthdays and holidays.  Yes I am talking holidays already!!!  I am going to buy any where from 1 to 3  birthday present a week untill I have everyones bought then I am working on Christmas!!!  I figured that I will be starting my Christmas shopping for this year in April.  I have a lot of birthdays to cover first.  With 5 children and thier partners, 12 grandchildren and then my darling hubby and parents it will take me while to get those done.

I was so proud of daughter today!!  She works at Wal Mart in KY.  She called me this morning to let me know that she bought her first Christmas present for the year today!!!  She bought a V Tech game held system for $15.  They are regularly $30 something.  She was so excited about it and I just smiled because I am slowly rubbing off on them ( you may insert a happy dance here!)

Keep an eye out here for changes!  Some may be subtle and others mite just jump right out at you!!  I have also added a link to my debt reduction blog that starts today!!!  Annnnnnnnnnnnd.......I will be adding another link for  my reviews blog.  Just a place where I will review a product and give my own two cents about it.  So watch for that one to start soon!

It's going to be a fun year with new blogs, a new attittude and who knows?, maybe a contest and give a way here and there!

So ya all come back now ya hear!!!!!

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!!!!